
Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture is unavailable, but you can change that!

How can biblical authority be a reality for those shaped by the modern world? Lesslie Newbigin treats the First World as a mission field, offering a unique perspective on the relationship between the gospel and current society by presenting an outsider’s view of contemporary Western culture.

A hundred and forty-three years ago, the great English statesmen W. E. Gladstone wrote these solemn and prophetic words: Rome, the mistress of state-craft, and beyond all other nations in the politic employment of religion, added without stint or scruple to her list of gods and goddesses, and consolidated her military empire by a skilful medley of all the religions of the world. Thus it continued while the worship of the Deity was but a conjecture or a contrivance; but when the rising of the Sun
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